Knowledge is power, so knowing who you’re racing against is generally a good thing. Knowing that your closest competition is likely to come from someone whose 10k PR is 3 minutes slower than yours? That leads to a lot of confidence.
The thing that I love most about races run by Set Up Events, other than the great organization, timing, and police support, is that they post the entire list of entrants for a race on the race page and keep it updated as more people enter. This is more than likely so that people can check that they are entered, but it also serves the purpose of letting athletes see who they’re up against.
On Thursday, I looked through the list of entries and searched for past results for everyone. Some had raced more than others, and some obviously had more pertinent results to the event at hand, but for every competitor I managed to find some information about a previous race. Given that there were only 44 people on race day, and even fewer pre-registered, checking everyone’s past results wasn’t a particularly lengthy task, but it certainly made me that much more confidant at the start.
The Two-Twenty-Two Duathlon was organized fairly late with registration only opening a few weeks ago, hence the small turnout, but it served as a good opportunity to get a race effort in on the bike before Powerman Alabama next month. In that sense, the extreme bike-bias in this race was very much a good thing. The race started with a 2-lap 2 mile run, followed by a 21 mile bike, and finished with another 2-lap 2 mile run. The run legs were actually about 2.08 miles by my Garmin, and confirmed as closer to 2.1 miles by the race director.